an inquisitive study into the presence of geckos in the household

“Tene tene ngũkũ iria twonaga mĩcĩĩ-inĩ iitũ ciatũũraga gĩthaja-inĩ na nyamū iria ingĩ na itirĩo. Gĩtũmi kĩrĩa gĩtũmaga ihote gũikara ũguo nĩ atĩ nĩcierĩte nyamũ iria ingĩ atĩ gĩthũkũ gĩacio kĩrĩ na mwaki, na atĩ nyamũ ingĩgeria gũkĩhutia no icinwo nĩ mwaki ũcio.” - ũria ngũkũ ciathire mĩciĩ kũri adũ Jason Mĩnaĩ

Just like the origins of the chicken in the human farm, the gecko found benefits in hiding in various walls and ceilings of human architecture. Perhaps the chicken believed the humans slower murderers than the carnivorous *nyamū of the forest*. Mĩnaĩ's raconteur of the kikuyu oral fable of why the chicken lives with humans reveals the esoteric secrets of ancient kikuyu wisdom. Manya Mila (Untapping your inner prey, 24-38,2024) says that creatures who are prey have to work harder to outsmart their predators. For chickens, the initial intelligence to lie to the *nyamũ* that its *gĩthũkũ* is red because it is made of fire only kept them safe for so long. Gecko's display such understanding of their predators weakness and this intelligence, is what has kept them alive for so long.
